What Can Break You?

Sooner or later, everyone will have to admit that there is one or perhaps multiple points in life when situations just crush you. Things don’t seem to working out in your favor, despite you having giving away the best you could. There has been or will be times when you’ll start to ask, “why does it have to happen to me?”


Trust me, many of the personalities you know were not as they are use to be now. There has been a time, when they were broke into pieces that they couldn’t find to build themselves up. They were just rotten, thrown away like a maggot out of a tomato.


But if you ask them, you’ll find them being thankful for whatever happened to them! You’ll find them saying that it was the best thing that happened to them. Why? Because they won’t be what they are now, if that wouldn’t happened to them.

Oprah Winfrey: “there’s no such thing as failure…you get as much from your losses as you do from your victories because the losses are there to wake you up…when you understand that you don’t allow yourself to be completely thrown…because your life is bigger than any one experience.”

Walt Disney: “I think it’s important to have a good hard failure when you’re young. I learned a lot out of that. Because it makes you kind of aware of what can happen to you. Because of it, I’ve never had any fear in my whole life when we’ve been near collapse and all of that. I’ve never been afraid. I’ve never had the feeling I couldn’t walk out and get a job doing something.”


Jim Carrey: “you can spend your whole life…worrying about the pathway to the future…So many of us choose our path out of fear disguised as practicality. What we really want seems impossibly out of reach and ridiculous and impossible…I’m the proof that you can.”


Steve Jobs: “It was impossible to connect the dots looking forward…you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in the future. You have to trust in something. Your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart even when it leads you off the well-worn path, and that will make all the difference.”

J.K. Rowling: “Some failure in life is inevitable…failure taught me things about myself that I could have learnt no other way…you will never truly know yourself, for the strength of your relationships, until both have been tested by adversity.”


People often try to live a mediocre life, safe from every hurdle and easy enough as much as they could understand and comprehend. But then they also should not compare their lives, to people who chose to rise up every time they fall after taking a leap of faith and hitting their heads into the walls of opportunities and earning great fortunes.


This life is really tough to become useful at something you love, to make your passion a profession. Not everything in this life can be achieved in a manner that you desire. You must realize that you are not going to enjoy your journey towards your goal.


There will come a time when you’ll be shattered on the ground, left alone in this world and there will be no one else able to understand even a slight of what you’ll be going through. There will be moments when you’ll happily give up thinking about everything whatsoever.


YES! That is the point. That is the point worth embracing for. It might sound a little weird but yes. Because that is the point where you no longer care of losing or gaining anything. You are then about to become the most powerful and unstoppable version of you. Only then if you just decide to do what you love, trust me that no other would be able to do it better than you at that time.


When we go out in the arena, we take so many fears regarding the fight. Fears of failures and fears of winnings. What would happen if we lose and what if we win and couldn’t handle it? The point where you are already broken, takes out your all your fears of losing or winning a game and lets you play only with your full heart and mind. Your mind won’t respond to any other useless excuse or precaution. And if you just choose a right path for yourself at that time, you will become unstoppable.

You must prepare your mind to stay reactive to such situations, as you might not be able to judge such mind wrecking situations at the very moments. Therefore, I would always suggest that always be prepared to embrace the situations that can break you, because only then it’ll make you.


Happy hunting,


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