Let Me Try Telling Something About Love

We are a generation living in a world of social media. A glance at your smartphone screen could lead you to have a totally different opinion in just a matter of seconds. Holding on to an idea or perception or whatever view you are vague about, is just as fragile as a toy in a child’s hand. Because it is good as long as the child doesn’t see another toy, irrespective of the fact which one is better. He/she always want something new.


We are surrounded with so many apps and technology that can satisfy so many of our interests. Yet, the newer generation is often found more disturbed and depressed than the previous ones and nobody would like to address it. Because many times nobody actually realizes it until the time has well passed.


We are a generation of so much information but less knowledge, so many views but less understandings, so many cures but less health, so much safety but less protection, so many men and women but less humans, so many feelings but less care. If you research in this context, for example, you’ll find that the most suicides are done in the most developed countries. But why am I mentioning this specific type of incident? Because according to experts, most of the suicides are done not due to poverty or any other reason but because of loneliness.


Humans have been made as social animals. Just like any other group of animals, humans also cannot live alone. But who can we actually call alone? This is the era of social media and cinematics. These things start to make us indulge in so many fake and generated emotions. One of them is love.


What we generally see in movies and short documentaries that what love is to just getting the person you want or getting the person who helped you in tough times. The person wanting and the wanted person is almost always have good looks, hot bodies, badass haircuts and always doing something heroic. What they don’t show is the reality. Not everyone has the same profession, body type, hair, his background etc. So what happens that so many people are only left out because they lack the qualities mentioned above. In short, we develop a fake idea of love from a very early age, which is then set in our subconscious mind and we are not ready to accept the actual reality.

Also, when we are searching for our “perfect soulmate”, we start to use every kind of resource that is available to us, most common is social media of course. Imagine a generation, searching their soul mates by their interests, swiping left and right, judging them on their uploaded photos. We keep doing it for so long, that it become a habit in our lives. Then one day you realize that you now already have a “soulmate” living in your home with you and you are swiping left and right on your smartphone, not because you need it, but because you are now addicted to it. It has become a habit now to talk to new people this way.


When you are addicted to always looking for something better, even in an relationship, being lonely is the ultimate and the only option left for them. And when you don’t have someone always with you to share with, someone that makes you a better person, someone that understands you, someone that already knows the inner you, then you are just lying to yourself, betraying yourself, misleading yourself. You become just like a fish watching a photo of water imagining swimming in it.


Similarly, we have created a delusion that anyone being a little cute, smiling at you means that he/she loves you. This person is the soulmate. Dude! If you are liking someone because he/she looked at you, how can you say that he/she wouldn’t be doing the same or wouldn’t do it in future to others?


You cannot find a compatible love like this. This could either be termed as flirt or just passing the time, but not love. It is also a reason why we see so many relationships ending in few times. You can not “love” a new person after every couple of years and obviously, this doesn’t sound like “a permanent” solution for loneliness. But love is.

Now I’m not here to explain love. Because if anyone can explain, it can be anything but love. Love is when you just don’t know why you want someone to be with you. If you can, however, explain what attributes you like in someone, that’s liking of such particular attributes and not the person as a whole.


Love is something far beyond comprehension and explanation in this worldly medium. Love is something far beyond someone’s physical or social needs. Love is not short term, but long term. Love is something that lets you find yourself in a way that couldn’t be done in any other way. Love is something that makes you feel like you are the earth itself, the air itself, the sound, the light, the music, the words itself.


Love is something that separates you from this universe. Love is totally just another universe. Love is when you feel like you don’t exist, yet exist in other person. Love is when the mysterious equation of time no longer applies on you. Love is painting a portrait with colors that were never seen before. Love is when you just start to lose hold on the reality and everything else start to seem meaningless, everything becomes so bright, so colorful, so vivid, so memorable.

Love is when that other person is in front, everything becomes blurry. The time just slows down. Every sense starts to get reception from only one corner of the universe. There is no room for distraction. There is no problem or other happiness left in your life. Love is when you starts to see every star in other’s eyes. Love is telling stories to each other in late night, without uttering a single word.


Love is the solution for almost every problem. It is the greatest power in the universe. A greatest emotion that can change the realities of people going through the toughest times. Love is the greatest power a human can exert and depict. Do not try to confuse it with flirt or fun. It is a great power that everyone of us have. We only need someone  who can truly mine it out of us. Don’t insult it.


Keep it real.

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