You Are Not Going To Get What You Want

Every human living on this planet has a purpose to fulfil. We all have some specific goals and targets to achieve in life. It can be educational, professional, personal or social etc. But as we can see that a significant sum of the total population often end up with not getting what they actually wanted or desired, even after trying their best and giving all they could.


People have actually a clear mindset about what they want to achieve, still they don’t get even closer than what they actually visualized. One of the ways to overcome it is to mold and amend the routine of your daily lives in order to pursue a specific goal, since valuable goals don’t just happen… they take time. But how do we do that?


Here the discussion would be incomplete without addressing “the thing” that controls your daily life and routines. It is none other than your subconscious mind. According to recent sciences, about 95% of your daily activities are controlled by it and remaining only 5% is controlled by your conscious mind. But how?


Subconscious mind is level of the mind that is of permanent nature and is influenced by images and emotions. Once anything is set in it, it is almost impossible to not consider it under subconsciously. For example, you might have a specific taste for a particular genre of  movies, like hand to hand combat for example. So next time, try to NOT LIKE it when the movie is still playing. Would you able to do it? Of course not! But why?


Everyone of us had lived different lives. We have developed our minds in a certain way. Therefore, whether we like or dislike something, it is feed in our subconscious minds and we can’t help it consciously to get it over. Being that said, as I mentioned that it is influenced by images and emotions, therefore if there’s an activity that makes you addicted or please you in a certain way, like you get appreciated every time you paint or draw something on a canvas, would you not consider doing it again?


You would do it again and again, thinking of the reward you’d get for the final result. Because you have attached an emotion of gratitude and recognition you’d get from it. Similarly, if there is a goal that you want to accomplish, but deep down you have no clue of its outcome and the feeling you’d experience after achieving it, then obviously a few likes on your facebook post might interest you more that your daily goals.


What we need to do is to keep a constant big picture in your mind of anything you dream of. The feel you would experience, the recognition you would get, the status and networking you might accomplish after that certain goal you complete. Once you have learnt to visualize these things on a regular basis, the tasks to accomplish on a daily basis will become your habit and shall be implemented in your subconscious mind. Therefore, anything of less interest might be put down in the priority list of your mind and you’d never have anything get over what’s really and more important for you.


Happy hunting!

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