A T-Storm of Information

People obviously knew it that every object that you throw up, comes down, but the world didn’t see the revolution until Newton actually acknowledged the fact about existence of gravity, which later on kept reforming, resulting in remarkable engineering marvels by reshaping the dynamics of the world of physics.


Mere having known about existence of anything without acknowledging it in proper way, doesn’t bring any good to selfs. Similarly, we are alive in an age of tremendous amount information, being pushed over the internet at such fast pace, available right on our very palms, just a few touches away. Yet, most of us still don’t seem to find ways to conquer the process to our purposes and goals.


Doesn’t it sound funny that with all such immense amount of information available at our fingertips, we are still not rich with knowledge regarding what we want, what we want to excel in? We are not fully equipped with all the ins and outs of our specialized fields, about which almost everything is readily available on the internet, whether it be related to medical, law, accounting, engineering etc.


Instead, what we generally see is that the young generation is always busy with random information overload, instead of narrowing down their focus to only what they really want to become. We are a part of a generation, where we keep ourselves busy, thinking that we are being productive. Everyone of us has easy access to the internet and laptops or smartphones, right? So let me ask you something! How much of extra information have you gathered in the last 3 months to support your subject of study? How much study have you gone through to analyse the need of your future business in the last 3 months? How much time have you spent on working on yourself and on your personality in the last 3 months?


I want to mention it here again, that we are drowning in information but unable to refine our productivity through it instead, we are planning for dumbing down our following generations to think on a bigger and macro level. Take Facebook for example. We have been socially pressurized in our minds to like certain pages, totally unrelated to our objectives, but got to do it. Ultimately, resulting in huge piles of rubbish posts, from irrelevant pages, on which we are sometimes forced to comment or to even follow a thread.



What this all do is that it fills our computer or smartphone’s screens with unnecessary stuff which looks interesting on short term basis, forcing the related and objective stuff hidden from our eyes and minds. A vast majority of us can actually compare the ratio of the related and unrelated posts while you scroll the feed down a mile.


I am not saying that Facebook or any other social sites are totally detrimental to our interests. But if we can consciously keep reminding ourselves to organize everything we are exposed to, on a daily basis, we can subconsciously become productive in our particular fields. If we could reorganize ONLY what’s more important and eliminating what’s NOT. Because as Steve Jobs said:


“Choosing what not to do is equally as important as choosing what to do.”


When we are exposed to such huge amount of information, our minds continuously start to search for everything new, not realizing about what’s beneficial and what’s not. And once it starts to gather such random information, the time passes so quickly and realizing the day as lost being totally unproductive. Information overload can equally be as detrimental as it can be beneficial. The real question lies with YOU that whether have you already conquer and direct all the resources exposed to you or not.



No one else other than YOU can make your life become how you want it to be. Be it Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or anything else, you must know how to utilize these for your objectives, goals and dreams. But first, you have to take control of your thoughts and let them be serious enough to take cover every “interesting thing” coming in your way. Because:


“It is always about priorities, everyone has 24 hours in a day.”

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