Magic of experiencing a luxury!

Imagine a Ferrari owner hands you over his/her keys to let you drive it for a day. How would it feel?

We all strive and push ourselves to keep us motivated to reach our goals or to live the life to our best of the potential. To achieve it, we often ended up reading articles, watching YouTube videos of rich people and how they live their lives, how they spend, where do they dine out, what brands do they wear etc.

I remember to come across a Facebook reel where Steve Harvey was giving one of kind recipe to condition our minds to end up looking for different ways to achieve certain things. He said that whenever you get to fly again and if you do it through economy class, try to book a first class ticket. It will cost you a lot more but try it for once. You’ll see what kind of big spaces they have for each seat, they provide menu for fresh cooked meals to be prepared, they provide warm towels and what not.

After that when you’ll fly again through an economy class, you won’t feel the same. It’ll almost get uncomfortable to a point where you’ll decide to find new ways to make yourself able to afford 1st class tickets every single time you fly.

A similar experience I went through when I was participating in Red Bull Street Style championship, I get to know organizing team, their roles and responsibilities and different social settings, to which I was totally unfamiliar with. Afterwards, it changed me so well and happened to be one of a driving force for me to find new ways and routes through study and early work experience so that I may be able to transform my life likewise.

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