Why Do We Hate Academic Studies?

Why do we not like to study? Why do we hate exams? Why do not we feel like to study more about the subjects in which we want to flourish to pursue a career? The secret lies within the dynamics of our minds. The human minds are designed such that they would retaliate when something is imposed on them. Just like when we are forbidden to do something our minds get curious to do the same exact thing.

If you just get to know the basic properties of how our minds work, we would be consciously be able to control our activities through modifying our thinking patterns. In the same sense, when we are imposed to prepare for the exams even for the subjects that we love to study deeper than our course books, our minds start to retaliate towards the imposition in the shape of exams.


Imagine about the subject you love, wouldn’t you use any resource available to you, for example the internet, YouTube, Facebook or even blogging site etc. In short you will go to any length that might increase your knowledge about a particular topic and why is that? Because you have no imposition of doing so at that time or in the future.  Our minds love to grow themselves and its cognition and it never stops working and thinking about anything that it thinks is interesting to it.


Therefore I am of the view that a massive revolution is required in our current lingering educational system, and that is, putting an end to examination system for at least till matriculation level. So that the students pursue their favorite subjects in great detail, without any pressure to pass anything or to get failed in anything and admission in higher schools, colleges or universities. So that the students’ are qualified totally based on specialized knowledge in a particular field. This will not only develop a sense of responsibility towards their careers, but also a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction  towards something they love and like to opt as their earning means.


Keep in mind that this is not only based on my some philosophic theory or wish, many of the developed European countries have already implemented such schooling systems that will be thoroughly rejected in our culture but their students, outperform in the world as compared to even superpowers of the world. Take a little time out of your routines and contribute it towards our healthy and mindful future generations.


May our country prosper over the world.

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