Don’t Ask, Demand It From The Universe!

“Mind is everything. What you think you become” said by Buddha but these simple words of all the greatest people ever lived are either commonly misunderstood or never understood at all. One of my best teacher Professor Imtiaz Malik used to say and advice in such simple to understand and easy words, but almost all of the students take it for granted, probably because these short and simple words don’t sound smart enough or glamorized.

However, I always being curious about understanding the behavioral patterns and attitudes of different people and philosophies behind those, tried to study on my own the mechanics of such words and their impacts on real world, as psychology and philosophy have never been my subjects in my studies.

Anyway, as I was progressing and researching, I came to know the advance findings in the subjects of metaphysics or quantum physics. In short and simple as if I put, state that everything in the universe is composed of the most tiniest substances called NOT an atom… But the waves. These studies state that everything in the universe that we perceive with our senses are made up of waves which we cannot apparently perceive as it so. Therefore, for whatever object we focus on to see, hear etc is created and composed of atoms right then and there. Sounds crazy right! Well it should.

According to metaphysics, since everything in the universe is made up of waves, it tends to have a particular wavelength or frequency. Astonishingly, our minds are designed somehow to invoke those waves and put them into such formation of atoms and molecules as we need it. In other words, these sciences tell us that if you desire something to have, you just need to learn to match the frequency or vibration of thoughts to the reality of any situation or object’s frequency. As the great Einstein had already mentioned:

Also did you see that you might have heard this quote from Einstein but you never really got what it meant. That’s not a problem, since it’s never too late to learn something and start something new. By the way, in connection to this, have you ever heard the law of attraction which in simple words state that if you want to achieve something, whether it be money, a girl, status etc. Don’t think in a way that you want to get it. Rather think that thing needs to have you. You keep on thinking that and soon the universe will bring it for you InshaAllah.

Now here I want to mention some of you might think, “what kind of stupid logic is this rubbish talking about!” Well it’s not about me. Below are some of the most famous personalities who, knowingly or unknowingly,  used this law and created a fortune for them:


Andrew Carnegie
Industrialist and Philanthropist

“I am no longer cursed by poverty because I took possession of my own mind and that mind has yielded me every material thing I want, and much more than I need. But this power of mind is a universal one, available to the humblest person as it is to the greatest.”


Arnold Schwarzenegger

Bodybuilder, Actor, Politician, and Businessman 

“It’s the same process I used in bodybuilding: What you do is create a vision of who you want to be — and then live that picture as if it were already true.”


Denzel Washington


“Well I mean positively and negatively, I mean you attract, I mean not just what you fear, you attract what you feel, what you are.”


Jim Carrey

Jim Carrey

Actor and Stand-Up Comedian

“I wrote myself a check for $10,000,000 for acting services rendered. I gave myself 3 years and I dated it Thanksgiving 1995. I put it in my wallet and I kept it there, and it deteriorated… But then, just before Thanksgiving 1995 I found out I was going to make $10,000,000 on Dumb and Dumber.”


Will Smith

Actor and Rapper

“We both believe, wholeheartedly, that our thoughts, our feelings, our dreams, our ideas are physical in the universe. That if we dream something, if we picture something, we commit ourselves to it and that it’s a physical thrust towards realization that we can put into the universe. That the universe is not a thing that’s going to push us around. That the world, and people, and situations are not things that are going to push us around. That we are going to… command and demand that the universe become what we want it to be.”



So how convinced are you to achieve what you want in the real way that it should be?

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