How It All Started

I was at one point blessed to meet one of my mentor in teaching, Professor Imtiaz Malik, who once told us that if you keep thinking about a thing that you want the most in your life in the night time when you’re super drowsy and just about to fall in sleep, you’ll end up achieving it because that is the time when conscious and subconscious minds meet. I was not familiar with these words back then and I decided to do a small search on Youtube.

After that day from 2012, I have read many articles and have watched a number of videos relating to the topic and have worked out its relevance to studies and social issues. I then started to have discussion with students and friends about their study related problems and have successfully mentored them in aspect of motivation and managing the gigantic lengths of numerous subjects.

Along with that, I started to work on my public speaking and presentation skills with a view to approach more people around me and also enabling me to update my database regarding the issues and I was consistently in search for a platform to express my emotions and share my study with others to benefit them both socially and psychologically.

As a matter of fact, it all then started when I decided to write an article by the name “Why didn’t I study?” and it got published in The Pakistan Accountant magazine published by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan in Jan-Mar 2016 issue. The responses from my teachers and friends were overwhelming and it actually made the door of opportunity I was finding long enough to knock at. The Co-principal of my Chartered Accountancy institute, Sir Tariq Hussain Tunyo, approached me explain the article in front of their students.

It was nothing more than a wish come true and just like that I delivered a speech by the name of “The art of studying” and also participated in the ICAP’s annual presentation and skills competition 2016 in the same week. And since the journey has started, I am constantly looking forward to reach out to more people in every way that I can easily manage.



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