Let Me Challenge Your Faith

Recall your old days. Be it the days from your school, high school, university or even yesterday, where you’ve already stepped into the practical arena; why do we experience or see others experiencing losing faith and hope over such minor issues? But how minor is minor, obviously differs from person to person or intensity of such issues. Like for example, failing in one subject of an exam won’t affect the only child of millionaire as compared to a boy who’ll be the only bread provider in few years.

So, according to this example, intensity of an issue might vary from one person to another but having faith is something intrinsic and can be carried equally, impartial of any materialistic basis. Some perhaps are more rich with this wealth who apparently don’t have materialistic wealth. That brings us to another question that what keeps them so highly attached to their goal, purpose, aim than others?

I was recently with a colleague who was seriously worried about her exams preparation and was putting up this scenario in a voice as if it was a matter of life and death for her. We sat late and I insisted her to tell me the whole picture and I listened to her quietly so that I may not miss out any point that could be vital to the situation. Once she got finished, I said, “why do we take these exams so seriously as if there is nothing in this world that we could do other than this just because we signed up for this? No. Why do we study a complex qualification? To get a handsome pay, right! So tell me how many of the top millionaires are the highly qualified like no other?” She went quiet and I saw some sense of relief on her face, easily implied from her smile. From this scene, if you observe, in just few minutes her killer-problem just got smaller like a sunflower seed. But how? What I did there was just that I painted a comparison of her “consciousness” with her “problem.”

We become what we think as Buddha said. If you research and study about reality of this universe through metaphysics and different theories like “Omega point” describe, you’ll get to see the things, problems and even the universe in the different sense. And I’m trying to deliver such messages in simple language so that everyone can take benefit in their general lives.

The reality that we live in, is nothing but what our minds tells us with the help of different senses and the consciousness that we inherit from our forefathers. For example, as Alan Watts said “if there were no eyes, the sun would not be light”, right! Kind of like, no color exists for a blind person and we humans are not yet so developed that we could make a blind man understand how Red look through other senses. In the same sense, wood is only hard in contrast of our soft skin.

In short, our mind holds the existence of the entire universe. What if I ask you about your physical mind? Your mind will start perceiving itself. Similarly, we are the universe, perceiving itself. If you start think about your existence like this long enough, you’ll start to see things in a bigger perspective. You’ll start neglecting to things imposed on you. You’ll realize that in order to achieve something you like, you just have to require it from the universe, being the universe itself. Which also satisfy the poetry of the greatest poets in history Allama Iqbal, “Khudi Ko Kar Buland Itna.”

God created this enormous universe and put you right where you are now, not without any reason. Do not mistake to undermine your abilities if you fail in just few exams. You can always try again or you can always follow what you’re good at.

Hope you get it now. The only journey is to find yourself, which everyone has its own.

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